Monday, June 15, 2015

Unda da sea!!

DIVES 938 and 939!!! So a young man and his father come into the shop to get some dives in! Sadly this father has troubles with his ears and equalizing. Thats alright we will take your son and make sure he is 100% safe. Guess what!?!? We had a blast!!! Young Mr David and Ms Emmy did a grand job! Buoyancy was on point and the assents were made without trouble. Our goal was to get some fish, but nothing was retrieved. We were able to see a Gag Grouper, one of the largest I have had the pleasure of seeing before he ran into a deep hole. A couple of hog snapper one of legal size and a lot of hog fish that were too small to shoot.We also came upon a sleeping nurse shark. Oh how i love our shark friends. This made for an exciting experience for young David. Next time we will be able to get something big to eat for sure. But all in all, everyone was able to have a safe and enjoyable experience.


After your second dive is complete and you are attempting to get on a vessel in slightly other than ideal conditions, and you happen to drop something like a fin, do not go to try and find that fin you just dropped. Remember you are on your second dive. A swift drop in depth could result in a spike in nitrogen levels resulting in a discomforting or potentially dangerous situation. If you drop that fin, let it go, it will be found if the area is dove consistently as well as your safety should not be compromised. A set of fins is never worth your life.

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